Income Tax Checklist
Personal Data
- Social Security numbers (including spouse and children)
- Date of birth for children
- Daycare Provider's legal name, Federal Tax ID or Social Security number and legal address
- Last years tax return unless prepared by Schaffer & Company Financial Services
Employment & Income Data
- Wage Statements from Employer (Form W-2)
- Year end statements from Banks or Investments (Form 1099-INT & 1099-1)IV)
- State and local income tax refunds from prior year
- Self-Employed Income. Total of Income and expenses
- Partnership and trust income (Form K-l 's)
- Pension and annuities (Form 1099-R's)
- Social Security benefits statement
- Alimony
- Jury duty pay
- Gambling and lottery winnings
- Prizes and awards
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Unemployment Insurance statement
Deductions against Gross Income
- Educator Expenses if you are a teacher
- IRA Contributions, Both Traditional and Roth
- Student Loan Interest Paid
- Tuition Expenses
- Moving Expenses if relocating due to job change
- Early withdrawal penalty paid on CDs
- Alimony Paid
Itemized Deductions
- Medical Expenses including your portion of health insurance and mileage for medical purposes (This only helps if these expenses exceed 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income)
- Real Estate taxes paid
- Mortgage Interest Paid (Form 1098 from your financial institution) Second mortgage interest paid
- Points paid on new mortgage or refinance (Bring closing statement from bank closing or HUD-I Form)
- Investment interest (Example: Margin interest paid for stock accounts)
- Donations, both by check and non-cash such as Salvation Army receipts
- Un-reimbursed expenses for volunteer work
- Un-reimbursed expenses related to your job (uniforms, union dues, professional subscriptions, mileage for auto use for employer, supplies, etc.) Investment expenses Job-hunting expenses
- Education expenses
- Child care expenses
- Adoption expenses
- Tax return preparation fees
Taxes are very complex and may require additional information, please bring any questions with you and ask your tax preparer for exact instructions on documentation.
Our interest is saving you the maximum amount of taxes, so please make us aware of any situation that has changed in your life.
You may also refer to our tax organizer for more detailed questions and information.